Where can I find the Pasonomi QR-Code for the VR Glasses?
Actually, it should be possible to find the Pasonomi QR-Code in the manual, but that does not appear to all VR Glasses. Thus, we made the experience that the Pasonomi VR Glasses and Shinecon (QR-Code here) aswell have no QR-Code in the manual contained. It would probably be helpful if there was a producer’s website with the QR-Code on it. Negativ.
Fortunately, many models are similar constructed and are adjustable. As a result, you can use a QR-Code from similar VR Glasses. The Pasonomi is adjustable aswell. But if you use a QR-Code from a completely different one, your whole VR experience can suffer imperfection. We tried this one, and it works really well:
This QR-Code is indeed not for the Pasonomi, but it was a satisfaying experience using this one. After all, thanks to the adjustment possibility for distance to the display and distance between the lenses, you can get the best out for the VR quality.
Mose useful accessories for your VR Glasses:
You need a comfortable solution for conrolling your VR apps while having it rest on your nose? So, we have found one for you: VR headset remote control

Why do I need a QR Code?
All those many different VR Glasses afford a specific “Viewer Profile”, which gets defined by a QR Code. That means the Google Cardboard App and other apps use this profile to know how the VR content should be displayed on you smartphone. This is how the VR app on your smartphone knows what distance it has to consider for a fitted view, after scanning the QR Code. Fitted means that the content ist properly “zoomed” on your phone. If you have a wrong Viewer Profile the screen could be zoomed in our zoomed out really bad. Actually we are talking here about the field of view.

Many VR Glasses give you the possibility to adjust distance and focal length.
Lenses’ distance and focal length
The distance from you smartphone’s display and lenses is responsible the most for differences in view. If this distance gets changed, the field of view has to be changed aswell. Otherwise the VR content looks kind of weird. On the one hand you could feel like a giant, on the other hand you could feel like an ant. From our experience we know that many VR Glasses manufacturers use the standard QR Code from Google’s “Viewer Profile Generator” (check out Viewer Profile Generator). We suspect manufacturers to save money on a false economy end when talking about QR Codes. Fortunately we tried a lot of QR Codes and think that the QR provided earlier in this article is the best for this VR Glasses.
Source: http://amzn.to/28PP6pI
This visual impression provided by Elegiant explains how a smartphone has to be placed in VR Glasses.
There are many different models of VR Glasses, thus a correct QR Code is very essential for a nice VR experience.
We’ve found the Pasonomi QR Code here: http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/faq/vr-headset-qr-codes/ You can find other QR Codes there aswell, and if you want, try some of them.
The Pasonomi is one of the best VR Glasses right now:
As we reported earlier this year (Pasonomi), the Pasonomi is, next to Shinecon one of the best performing VR Glasses for a really good price out there. Thus we where wonding even more why there is no QR Code delivered with the Pasonomi VR Glasses. No problem, we have found a good work.
Moreover, the customer reviews on Amazon are at almost 3.7 from 5 possible Stars. It got some bad ratings (1 star) because of the missing QR Code:
The reviews show how awesome the VR Glasses are (Quelle: Amazon.de)
You have no button on your VR Glasses? We have 2 solutions for you:
And suddenly it happend. Google brought another feature to their Cardboard Apps and everyone suffered a new problem: Now you had to “click” in your apps for interacting. Most of the VR Glasses don’t this kind of button?
- Solution: VR Headset Remote Control
- Another great solution: Our tech nerds found a simple solution for you: VR headset magnetic trigger retrofit (DIY solution)